By joining our mailing lists, accessing these resources, using this website, and participating in our forums, you agree to the following terms:
Your personal data
Whether you sign up via a facebook group, by joining a course or forum, or directly on one of the websites, all of your data (email address, name, enrollment info) goes to the exact same place: a secure, encrypted, private database seen and managed personally by Heather Jo Flores and no one else. Your data will never be sold, traded, or shared with anyone else, ever. If at any time you would like to remove your data from our system, just send a request via email and we will take care of it.
Cookies and pixel tracking
The only cookies we use are those required by the software for site functionality. We do not participate in any cookie-tracking advertising schemes of any sort, and we do not have any cookie-based advertising on our websites. We do not collect or analyze your website usage data in any way and we only use necessary functional cookies and javascript. Please disable any ad or script blockers when you use our sites, as we do need some scripts and cookies to function properly.